All events

Local Time (UTC+02) Name
Wednesday, 07:37:01 NMEA Compass is open.
Wednesday, 07:37:01 NMEA GPS com16 is open.
Wednesday, 07:37:01 Cloud Ceilometer CBME80 is open.
Wednesday, 07:37:01 Campbell CS125 is open.
Wednesday, 07:37:01 ZPulse Doppler Current Sensor is open.
Wednesday, 07:37:01 NMEA Weather Station is open.
Wednesday, 07:37:01 Miros SM-050 Wave and Current is open.
Wednesday, 07:37:01 Nortek Aquadopp2 2mhz is open.
Wednesday, 07:37:01 Nortek 2D horizontal profiler is open.
Wednesday, 07:37:01 License key has been validated.
Wednesday, 07:35:01 Teledyne Workhorse Simulation is active.
Wednesday, 07:35:01 Teledyne Workhorse Simulation is open.
Wednesday, 07:35:01 Device created
Wednesday, 07:34:53 Teledyne Work Horse ADCP deleted.
Wednesday, 07:34:53 Teledyne Work Horse ADCP is closed.
Wednesday, 07:34:43 Teledyne Work Horse ADCP is open.
Wednesday, 07:34:43 Device created
Wednesday, 07:24:28 Redirect to Stream deleted.
Wednesday, 07:24:28 Redirect to Stream is closed.
Wednesday, 07:24:20 42P01: relation "data.parameter_854611" does not exist POSITION: 13